Before applying for a short-term loan, consider your credit history and current financial condition to see whether you need the money. The phrase “slick...
Archive - April 2022
What is the one health care specialist you visit the most? For many individuals, the response is their general dentist. There is a solid reason for this: your...
Different emergencies can come up at any time for a person. One of the most common is not knowing whether you should see your family doctor or be taken...
When was your last cancer screening? Cancer has become the biggest enemy to human life, becoming the leading cause of death worldwide. Colon cancer is among...
If you are experiencing severe joint pain with swelling and stiffness, you might have arthritis. Unlike you may think, arthritis is not one disease but...
Acid reflux occurs when the acid in the stomach frequently flows back into the esophagus. Acid reflux can cause hoarseness and sore throats and leave a bad...
A fracture is when a patient presents with a broken or cracked bone. The main causes of fractures include violent trauma from sports injuries or accidents...
Your skin is one of the most critical factors determining your overall appearance. If you’re not happy with your skin looks, you may feel self-conscious...
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic disorder that affects your esophagus. Also known as acid reflux, GERD happens when stomach acids or bile...
After years of living with chronic back pain, you were hopeful that surgery would eliminate the discomfort and help you regain full function. However, when...