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Importance of Having Developmental Screenings in Children

Every parent desires the best for their child. You want your kid to be happy and thrive in all areas of life. One way you can help ensure your child’s success is by having the child undergo developmental screenings. These screenings can help identify any areas of concern, such as ADHD, so interventions can be put in place to help your child succeed. With Argyle developmental screenings/ADHD, your child can get the best start possible in life.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is an abbreviation for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting approximately 5% of school-aged children. Children with ADHD struggle to pay attention, control impulsive behaviors, and may be overly active.

While there is no cure for ADHD, various ways exist to manage it and help children succeed. With an early diagnosis, children can receive the necessary accommodations and interventions to help them in school and life.

What are developmental screenings?

Developmental screenings are quick and easy tests that can be done by a pediatrician, teacher, or other trained professional. The tests identify areas of concern in a child’s development. The main areas of concern are:

  • Fine and gross motor skills: These skills involve the ability to use small muscles (fine motor) and large muscles (gross motor).
  • Language and communication: This includes the ability to understand and use words.
  • Cognition refers to the ability to think, remember, and solve problems.
  • Social-emotional: This describes a child’s ability to interact with others and regulate the kids’ emotions.

Why are developmental screenings important?

Developmental screenings are important because of these reasons:

The test can help identify any areas of concern early on

When your baby is growing, the kid goes through many changes. Developmental screenings can help identify any areas of concern early on so that interventions can be implemented to help your child succeed.

The test can help guide decisions about your child’s care

Developmental screenings can help guide decisions about your child’s care. For example, the pediatrician may recommend early intervention services if your child is not meeting milestones for the required age. These services can help your child catch up and reach the kids’ best and full potential.

The test can give you peace of mind

As a parent, worrying about your child’s development is natural. Developmental screenings can give you peace of mind by letting you know that your child is on track or if there are any areas of concern. Your child will grow and change significantly within the first few years. Developmental screenings can help you feel confident that you are doing everything possible to help your child succeed.

When should your child have a developmental screening?

The recommendation is that all children have a developmental screening during the 9-month, 18-month, and 24- or 30-month well-child visits. During a developmental screening, the pediatrician or other trained professional will ask you questions about your child’s development. The specialist may also observe your child and ask your kid to do simple tasks, such as stacking blocks.

If you are concerned about your child’s development, visit Argyle Pediatrics and talk to your pediatrician about having a developmental screening.