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Which Misconceptions Revolve Around Allergies?

It’s estimated that up to 30% of the population in Surprise, Arizona, suffers from some form of allergy, whether it’s a food allergy, environmental allergy, or seasonal allergy. But despite how common allergies are, there are still many misconceptions about them. Let’s dispel some of the most common myths about allergies. However, you need first to schedule an appointment with a top-class allergist in Surprise, AZ.

It’s a Kids Problem

While it’s true that allergies tend to affect younger people more frequently than adults (the immune system is still developing and hasn’t yet built up resistance), allergy sufferers can be of any age. Some of our customers fall into their 20s and 30s, and even the elderly can suffer from allergies.

What You Eat Doesn’t Matter

You might hear people say that your allergies seem to have been caused by a particular food, but you can eat it without any side effects. Even if you’ve never experienced an allergic reaction to a specific food before, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be a problem the next time you eat it. Allergies can develop at any time, even if you’ve been eating food for years.

Allergies Are Transmittable

A common misconception is that if someone in your family has allergies, you’ll have them too. This isn’t true at all. While genetics may play a role in the development of allergies, it’s not enough to guarantee that you or anyone else in your family will develop them as well. So if you’ve got allergies now, but you didn’t inherit them from your parents or grandparents, they might very well pop up again later in life.

Allergies Are Stress-Related

Some people believe that allergies are caused by stress, but they’re two separate things. While it’s true that stress can aggravate an existing allergy, you cannot develop an allergy due to stress. They are two different bodily responses involving entirely other factors.

However, keep in mind that the potential for allergies doubles when exposed to certain environmental factors like extreme heat or cold, smoke or pollution, and dust mites. So while it’s not possible to develop allergies due to stress alone, they can worsen when combined with other factors.

The Only Treatment is Avoiding Triggers

Allergies are also frequently misunderstood as something you just have to live with. While avoiding triggers is an integral part of managing your allergies, it’s not the only thing you should do. There are medications available designed to reduce the severity of allergy symptoms. So while it may be possible for you to avoid specific foods, places, or activities, you should always make sure to talk with a doctor about allergy medications and other treatments.

Allergies Hardly Happen in Winter

Although cold weather doesn’t cause allergies, it can worsen existing problems. Sensitivity to specific allergens usually increases when the temperature drops, causing allergy sufferers to experience more frequent or severe symptoms. So while allergies are certainly not caused by colder temperatures, they frequently become worse in that environment.

Despite how common allergies are, there are still many misconceptions about them. It’s crucial to dispel some of the most common myths about allergies. Keep in mind that if you think you might have allergies, it’s essential to talk to a doctor to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.