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What You Need to Know about Cognitive Disorders

You might have a cognitive disorder if you have movement, concentration, and memory challenges. When White Rock cognitive disorders are very severe, they can affect how you perform everyday functions like work, school work, or daily routine activities.


While most cognitive disorders arise from health conditions, other causative factors include certain prescription medicines, chemotherapy, and substance use disorder. Common health conditions that can lead to cognitive disorders include epilepsy, stroke, traumatic brain injuries, multiple sclerosis, normal pressure hydrocephalus, and psychiatric disorders.


You will experience symptoms depending on your cognitive disorder. The following are common symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Impaired judgment
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Emotional instability
  • Balance problems
  • Poor muscle coordination
  • Short and long-term memory loss
  • Trouble doing everyday tasks


Your specialist must run one or more diagnostic tests to ascertain the cause of your cognitive disorder. One of the tests includes a physical examination, where your doctor can ask you to use certain body parts to perform activities. Your specialist can also conduct blood work to diagnose your condition further.

Another important diagnostic method is the digital cognitive assessment. The method tests neurological issues and cognitive impairment. The digital cognitive evaluation is quicker and gives a more detailed examination of your cognitive performance.

Treatment options

Your healthcare provider will create a plan depending on the cause of your cognitive disorder. While it is important to note that some conditions are incurable or can cause progressive brain damage, your doctor will prescribe medications to slow down the progression of the disease.

Common treatment options include prescription medications, behavioral therapy, physical therapy, and surgery. Your provider can recommend the above treatment methods independently, or they can opt for a combination treatment method for the best results and outcome.

Behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy involves helping you identify what causes or triggers your behavior. Your specialist can help you talk through your feelings and emotions and how they affect your actions. It is a common treatment for psychiatric conditions like bipolar disorder.

Physical therapy

Your doctor can recommend aerobic exercises to help you turn glucose into fuel and keep your brain sharp and alert. They can also suggest a quiet environment to help you concentrate, reason, and solve daily problems.


You might benefit from surgery if you have a condition like normal pressure hydrocephalus. The disease involves the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in your brain, causing pressure. Your neurologist can perform surgery to relieve your brain from the pressure of the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

Other treatment options include lifestyle changes, better diet, sleep, and managing stress. When you have a cognitive disorder, avoiding sugary and processed foods is best to prevent flare-ups and mood changes. Getting enough quality sleep and managing your stress levels can help you reduce irritability and improve your mood.

If you have any conditions that impair your movement, learning, language, and reasoning, among others, visit RHBNeuro for treatment. You will meet qualified and experienced neurologists who can evaluate your condition and offer suitable treatment. Call or book your appointment online today.