Leading a healthy and active lifestyle is not a cakewalk, especially when battling ailments or concerns like aging signs. As you strive to consistently up your health and wellness regimen, turning to innovative treatments offers an edge. Among the non-invasive options that continue to attract more are Seattle ozone & IV therapy. Ozone is a naturally occurring triatomic gas popularly known as a protective layer shielding us from the sun’s UV. Intravenous (IV) ozone therapy helps manage chronic conditions and delivers considerable therapeutic benefits. Among the top reasons you should include IV ozone therapy in your regime are:
Improve immune system
Your immune system is critical for your overall health since it fights infections. Ozone can help improve your immune system, mainly considering its impact on reducing oxidative stress resulting from chronic inflammation. It acts as an immunomodulator, which is among the top reason it comes in handy in managing inflammatory conditions such as Crohn’s disease, asthma, and arthritis. With the lowered oxidative damage and inflammation, your immune system effectiveness improves, making it easier to keep conditions at bay or fight existing infections.
Toxins and heavy-metal impurities can quickly build up in your body, especially considering your health and surroundings. The accumulation exposes you to many concerns, including affected bodily functions and slower recovery since the immune system is inhibited. IV ozone helps cleanse the body of such impurities, which helps improve metabolism and other functions that keep you healthier. Including routine IV ozone therapies in your regimen can boost your overall wellness as the toxins significantly decline, the immune system improves, and other bodily functions are enhanced.
Healthier skin
Your skin deserves more attention and not just for a striking look. Healthy skin effectively protects internal organs and offers better functionality. The skin cells, much like the rest, require oxygen. IV ozone therapy kicks the oxygenation a notch higher, which can rejuvenate the skin cells. Moreover, its antioxidant properties help stimulate collagen and elastin production and restore nerve circulation. This facilitates healthy skin cell regeneration, making it easier to spot glowing and healthier skin for an extended period.
Enhanced infections prevention
Ozone has antifungal, viral, and bacterial properties. IV ozone therapy can help you fight and keep bacteria, viruses, and fungal-related infections in check or away. This is more o considering how the germs have considerably evolved to resist certain medications. Ozone therapy can help prevent the infection from spreading when caught in time. IV ozone can help you treat acute bacterial infections and fight the flu, among other concerns that can routinely impact your daily living, making it an ideal addition to your regimen.
Reduce heart attack frequency
If you have had a heart attack, the chance of a second and third or more is high. IV ozone helps mitigate such risk considering the oxygenation effect. The improved oxygen levels can even help revert brain tissue damage, common in stroke cases due to the deprived supply. Improving cardiovascular health is critical and is among the top reasons more people continue to seek IV ozone therapy.
IV ozone therapy offers more benefits, including pain relief and improved wound healing. The therapy can supercharge your efforts to keep ailments at bay or manage pre-existing medical conditions. Contact Market Place Naturopathic today for more on IV ozone therapy.