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Do You Have A Sinus Infection? A Guide To Help You Know For Sure

The sinuses are critical cavities in the head that stimulate mucus production. Fortunately, narrow channels connected to sinuses promote mucus drainage to ensure the nose stays clean and bacteria-free. Unfortunately, a blockage can occur in the sinuses making fluid accumulate in the nose and bacteria thrive. It is essential to seek medical intervention for sinus infection East Hampton to inhibit bacterial growth and thus eliminate the chances of bacterial sinusitis.

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a  condition that develops in patients with a sinus infection. The result of this condition is inflammation and swelling in the sinus tissues. The main reason sinuses get blocked is exposure to cold or allergens causing fluid to accumulate.

What are the different types of sinuses?

Physician training involves understanding the different types of sinuses in the head. This information helps doctors appreciate which sinuses have a blockage and thus develop an approach to restore wellness to the affected sinuses while preventing the spread of infection to other sinuses in the head. The following are the different types of sinuses:

  • Paranasal sinuses: The location of these sinuses is near the nose and eyes.
  • Ethmoidal sinuses: These sinuses exist between the eyes.
  • Maxillary sinuses: Physicians diagnose maxillary sinuses by inspecting below a patient’s eyes. This sinus cavity is the biggest and most vulnerable to infection.
  • Sphenoidal sinuses: Behind the eyes is where you will find sphenoidal sinuses.
  • Frontal sinuses: These sinuses are above the eyes.

What are the different types of sinusitis?

The types of sinusitis you have will determine the kind of treatment your doctor will recommend. Your doctor’s diagnosis will depend on the severity of your symptoms and which sinus cavities have an infection. These are the most common type of sinusitis:

  • Acute bacterial sinusitis: Patients with this type of sinusitis report symptoms like runny nose and facial pain. Symptoms of acute bacterial sinusitis can persist for up to ten days. Antibiotics and decongestants are the best treatments for acute bacterial sinusitis.
  • Chronic sinusitis: Physicians confirm a chronic sinusitis diagnosis for patients with symptoms like nasal congestion and decreased sense of smell that persists for over three months.
  • Subacute sinusitis: This diagnosis is for patients who experience sinusitis symptoms for one to three months.
  • Recurrent acute sinusitis: Although symptoms do not last longer than a couple of weeks, patients with recurrent acute sinusitis get repeated disease episodes at least four times a year.

Is sinusitis contagious?

Physicians insist on maintaining proper hygiene and keeping a safe distance from your loved ones, especially when you are sick. Viruses that cause sinusitis can spread through the air or via contact with a sick person. If your sinusitis is making you cough or sneeze, ensure you use your elbow to control the spread of the virus. Also, seek emergency care for your sinusitis to manage your symptoms and prevent you from spreading the disease to your friends and loved ones. Call the offices of Richard L. Nass, M.D., F.A.C.S. if you suspect your symptoms are due to an underlying sinus infection, receive an accurate diagnosis.