Home » 7 Best Culinary Around Borobudur Temple, Delicious and Cheap

7 Best Culinary Around Borobudur Temple, Delicious and Cheap


Source: https://www.indonesia.travel/

Vacationing at Borobudur Temple in Yogyakarta is incomplete if you haven’t tried the delicious culinary around the temple. Many delicious culinary offerings are offered for those of you who are on vacation with family or with friends. You can taste delicious culinary around Borobudur Temple at very pocket-friendly prices. Launching from several sources, here are recommendations for places to eat around Borobudur Temple that are delicious and very affordable.

  1. Joglo Panglipuran

To Borobudur, you have to stop at Joglo Panglipuran Borobudur. At Joglo Penglipuran, you can enjoy Javanese specialties such as garang asem, mangut catfish, es kopyor, wedang uwuh and various seafood. The price for one serving at Joglo Penglipuran starts from IDR 5,000 to IDR 30,000 only. You can visit it every day from 11.00-22.00 WIB. The exact location is on Jalan Syailendra Raya, Hamlet 1, Wanurejo, Borobudur District, Magelang, Central Java.

  1. Rumah Ketela (Cassava House)

Snack fans should try to visit Ketela House. Not only snacks, but you can also find lunch menus here. As the name implies, all the snacks available here are made from cassava or cassava. Some of them are tiwul tumplek, tiwul ayu, cassava sticks, and cassava boiled with Mira water. As for the heavy food menu, such as geprek chicken, spice soup, rib soup, bacem tofu, Aceh noodles. The price of one portion of food from Rumah Ketela ranges from IDR 6,000 to IDR 36,000. Find the Cassava House on Badrawati Street, Ngaran II Hamlet, Borobudur District, Magelang, Central Java.

  1. Saung Makan Bu Empat (Mrs. Empat Restaurant)

Saung Makan Bu Empat is one of the places to eat around Borobudur that serves giant honey prawns as a best seller dish in addition to grilled chicken and carp soup. Not only animal protein, vegetable protein such as fried tofu and tempeh, and vegetable tamarind are also available. You need to spend starting from Rp. 9,000 to Rp. 80,000. Saung Makan Bu Empat is located on Jalan Raya Borobudur No. 4, Magelang, Central Java.

  1. Dapoer Gendhing

Dapoer Gending provides many choices of food packages to make it easier for you to order. The menu starts from meal packages filled with geprek chicken, tilapia, or fried catfish along with rice and fresh vegetables with prices starting from IDR 16,000 – IDR 20,000. There are also non-packaged menus such as kwetiau, fried rice, fried noodles, and kale starting from IDR 9,000 – IDR 19,000. Dapoer Gending is located at Jalan Pramudya Wardhani Number 19, Magelang, Central Java every day from 10:00 to 21:00 WIB. You can bring a large family because the place is very supportive.

  1. Borobudur Cactus Cafe

True to its name, Borobudur Cactus Cafe allows you to enjoy its menu while viewing a collection of cactus plants. The menu is fried rice, spaghetti aglio olio, banana split, rice bowl, and suki noodles. You can get these menus for IDR 18,000 – 37,000. Not only is the menu delicious, but you can also enjoy live music performances and unique photo spots. The location is on Jalan Badrawati Ngaran Lor Number 17, Hamlet XVIII, Magelang, Central Java and is open every day from 11.00-21.30 WIB.

  1. Bond Cafe

Bond Cafe is also one of the places to eat near Borobudur Temple, which provides Indonesian and international menus. Some of the Indonesian dishes available at Bond Cafe are fried rice, oxtail soup, Balinese spiced ribs, Javanese goddog noodles, lime ginger, and wedang uwuh. Meanwhile, there are plenty of international dishes at Bond Cafe. Starting from pizza, zuppa soup, potato churros, chicken cordon bleu, tropical smoothies, and mocha floats. The price is very affordable, starting from IDR 7,000 to IDR 70,000 per portion. Just come to Bond Cafe located at Jalan Pajang Number 18, Magelang City, Central Java. Bond Cafe every day starting at 08.00-16.00.

  1. Badhek Coffee Shop

Lastly, Badhek Coffee Shop can be a place to rest after a day of sightseeing in Borobudur as well as a place to eat. So close to Borobudur, you can see door 10 of Borobudur Temple, precise in Sabrangrowo Hamlet, XXII Hamlet, Magelang, Central Java. The menu starts from fried chicken, tilapia with chili sauce, mangut catfish, and many more. As well as its flagship menu, badhek coffee, brewed coffee, and sticky rice tape. The price of food and drinks at Badhek Coffee Shop is relatively cheap. One portion of the dish is priced from IDR 7,000 to IDR 22,500. Make sure to visit around 09.00-21.00.

Vacation is more than just the scenery and accommodation, it’s about making long-lasting memories with the foods there. Discover more adventures in Borobudur by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.